Tag Archives: Late-Stage Lyme Disease
New Lyme Disease Website: OurLymeJourney.com!
An estimated 300,000 Americans contract Lyme disease every year. My dad, daughter, and I are three of them. (Click here to read my daughter’s story.) Last month, I launched a new website called OurLymeJourney.com. Starting this Saturday, I’ll share must-have information about this tick-borne illness. Journey with me …[ read more ]
• • •Lyme Prevention: 11 Tips to Lower Your Risk
In my last post, I shared my daughter’s story and tips to help you catch Lyme disease early. But how can we protect ourselves from getting it in the first place? Today, I’m going to share eleven tips for Lyme …[ read more ]
• • •How the Lyme Disease Rash Righted a Wrong
What’s your greatest fear? Since we moved to Maryland in May 2015, one of mine has been that my husband, daughters, or I would get Lyme disease. We had traded the cold, crime, and bad traffic of Chicago for an …[ read more ]
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