New-mom must-haves. Photo courtesy of http://carlosparnellmd.com
Congratulations! Your one-of-a-kind miracle is on his way—or already here.
No person on Earth has ever been, or will ever be, quite like your son or daughter.
And you will come to love this child more than you can imagine.
But being a mom can be challenging, especially without the right tools to help you along the way. All moms know they need a crib, baby clothes, and oodles of wipes and diapers, but these new-mom must-haves will help you—and your little one—not only survive, but thrive in that wonderful, but tumultuous, first year (and beyond!). Tweet that! Just click on the pictures or text links to order!
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Safe and Sound Sleep New-Mom Must-Haves
Nothing impacts the quality of your child’s first year as much as their sleep. Well-rested babies are happier and easier to care for; overtired babies are cranky and hard-to-please. But we don’t just want our kids to sleep soundly—more than anything, we want them to sleep safely.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is the main cause of death for children between one month old and twelve months old. To lower your little one’s risk, put him to sleep on his back, don’t overdress him or smoke around her, and keep the nursery temperature between 68 and 72.
1. Baby Sleep Books
Even before your little blessing comes barreling into your bedroom, read books about sleep.
The Sleep Sense Program by Dana Obleman ranks at the top of my list because it not only includes an E-book, but also videos tailored to your child’s age and a weekly conference call where you can ask Dana questions.
I also recommend Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth, M. D. and Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg.
2. Snuza Baby Movement Monitor
Wouldn’t it be great if something could alert parents if their baby stopped breathing? Enter Snuza—the answer to a new mom’s worst fear! Unlike the Angelcare system, which uses a sensor pad under the mattress, this movement monitor clips right onto your little one’s diaper so you’ll have few—if any—false alarms, but plenty of peace of mind.
3. Aden + Anais Security Blanket
Blankets, bumpers, and stuffed animals in the crib increase the risk of SIDS for children under one. But babies sleep better when they can cuddle with a special toy or blankie. So what’s a mom to do?
Try the Muslin Issie Security Blanket—its breathable fabric makes it safe, even for newborns. Nurse with the lovey and sleep with it under your shirt for a few nights and then give it to your child—complete with a little mommy-scented magic.
4. Wearable Blankets
Swaddling newborns before naps and bedtime works great for the first eight weeks, but by the time your baby is two months old, you should trade their receiving blankets in for sleep sacks. Buy a few in each size, unless you do laundry every day.
5. Happy Nights Diapers
To keep your child dry overnight—which helps them sleep better—use Happy Nights diapers.
Three is the smallest size they come in though, so for the first several months, try Pampers Baby Dry diapers. (Pampers Swaddlers are my favorite daytime diapers.)
Sane and Sound Mommy New-Mom Must-Haves
When your kids sleep well, that helps keep you healthy and happy. And when you’re healthy and happy, you can be a better mom. These last four tips will help too.
6. Permission to Take a Nap
Delivering a child is exhausting. Getting up multiple times in the middle-of-the-night—every night—can make you moody. Take a nap. Or, if you have other young kids, go to bed early or sleep in a little before your husband leaves for work. Your mind, body, and emotions—and family—will thank you.
7. Sense of Humor
When your baby has yet another poop explosion just as you’re about to walk out the door or your toddler pukes on you right before your birthday dinner, it helps to laugh about it or make up silly songs (my husband and I have several we sing to our girls).
8. Mom’s One Line a Day: a Five-Year Memory Book
Before you go to bed each night, jot down a quote, a milestone, or a special event in this journal and read what you wrote previous years on that same day.
For me, it works much better than a typical baby book which I rarely find the time to write in. Plus, remembering the joys of motherhood can help you weather the challenges.
Want to read some of the funny things I recorded in mine? Just click here!
9. Prayer
New moms, especially nursing ones, are on-call 24/7, and as much as we’d like to be superhuman, we’re not. But Jesus is. And He wants to be closer than a brother, closer than our best friend, closer even than our children. His strength, and not our own, will get us through every long night and every demanding day and give us the peace and perspective to cherish every moment.
Experienced moms, share your new-mom must-haves in the comments!
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