Truths to Tell Our Kids Instead
What fibs do you tell your kids? Tweet that!
The other day, I read a blog titled, “Six Little Lies We Tell Our Kids.” While I enjoyed the good-humored post and think I’d like the fun-sounding author, I couldn’t help thinking of six truths to tell our kids instead.
Instead of telling our children, “Santa Claus is watching you” to get them to behave, we can teach them a truth they won’t outgrow: “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account” (Hebrews 4:13). Knowing that God sees everything can help them grow into people of character who do what’s right when no one (but Him) is watching.
Instead of telling our children, “I was a good kid,” we can be honest about our faults and failures to show the beauty of God’s forgiveness and the power—and necessity—of walking by His grace. Plus, if we share our struggles, both when we were young and now, our sons and daughters will be more likely to open up to us about theirs.

Photo courtesy of gattonstar.com.
Instead of telling our children, “I’m leaving without you,” we can offer real consequences when they dawdle, refuse to get dressed, or throw a temper tantrum. Following through with consistent consequences will teach them to obey instead of disregarding our words as empty threats.
Instead of telling our children, “Of course mermaids are real,” we can introduce them to the fascinating world of the imagination and teach them to create stories that impact and entertain.

Photo courtesy of home.sandiego.edu.
Instead of telling our children an annoying toy is “broken,” we can offer to buy them a new one to replace the irritating one. Or, we could limit when, where, and how long our child can play with the noisy, messy, or battery-guzzling one. Though this lesson may not be easy—on your or the child—it can ultimately teach them consideration for others.
Instead of telling our kids, “We’ll get it next time” when they ask for something in the store, we can teach them to be content and grateful for what they have. As they get older, we can teach them to budget, an important skill in a country where the average household owes over $7,000 just in credit card debt.
I’d love to hear what you think in the comments! What “little lies” do you tell your kids? Are there truths that might serve you better? What do you think are the most important truths to tell our kids?
I like it Chris! When I read things like this from you , I’m reminded of what great parents you and Mark are, and why I’m so confident that my grandkids are going to turn out great!
Aw–thanks, Dad! 🙂 I had a great start with a father like you! 🙂 Love you!