A native of Frederick county, attorney Dan Cox is the happily married father of eight.
After serving as a councilman and council president, he’s now the Republican candidate for Maryland’s 8th congressional district. With degrees in law and government and over 20 years of experience, Dan Cox is prepared to represent us well.
Dan, you fight for the Constitution, economic growth, and limited government. Why are you so passionate about these three things?
Without the right to life, all other rights are meaningless. [Tweet that!] From our natural right to life flows our Constitutional rights, the right to speak, to own property and enjoy economic freedom. Excessive, overreaching and wasteful government becomes burdensome and destructive to our free existence.
Dan, you also plan to expand I-270 and I-495 to reduce traffic. How do you see this leading to a better quality of life for Frederick and Montgomery County residents?
Transportation is one of the first duties of our federal government, and I will work to improve it for our district. With more time at home and not “parked” on the I-270 or I-495 daily backups, we will be healthier and will enjoy our families and lives with a better quality of life.
Congressman, councilmen, and senators have endorsed you, not to mention sheriffs, veterans, and firefighters. But the most interesting endorsement I read was from a Mrs. Cary Council of Montgomery County:
“I escaped East Germany under communism with my parents and in 1962 came to America,” she said. “We must stand for freedom. Please join me in voting for Dan Cox to be our Representative in the U.S. Congress.”
How has the support of people like Mrs. Council further inspired you to defend our liberty?
She and others who have escaped totalitarian states are so inspiring because they know the value of our freedom firsthand. They have suffered without a bill of rights protection.
My opponent specifically targets amendments for regulation. His extreme approach is supported by over $22,000 in donations from an atheist group that targets for removal in lawsuits “Under God” and “In God We Trust” along with voluntary prayer. I will defend our liberty unceasingly.
If elected as a congressman, you “plan to draft and seek to pass a National Home and Community Defense Act.” Can you explain what that would look like?
In the wake of Orlando and San Bernardino, we need more citizen involvement. The purpose is to help communities with interested leaders to obtain training from local first responders to be alert and ready to protect our children, schools and families.
On Friday, September 30, you tweeted, “Today is the 40 year ann. of #Prolife #HydeAmendment.” Can you tell us more about the Hyde Amendment and why you support it?

Photo courtesy of NationalRightToLifeNews.org
The Hyde Amendment is named after the late prolife hero Congressman Henry Hyde who passed the law banning federal funds for abortion.
I strongly support that and will work to strengthen the law to eliminate loopholes that allow states like Maryland to require Medicaid funds for in and out of state residents.
Want to learn more about Dan? Check out his website at CoxForCongress.org!
Want to meet Dan in person? He’ll be speaking at the Rockville Pregnancy Clinic Banquet next Tuesday, October 18. I’ll be singing there, too, and a copy of my bestselling novel will be given away at every table. Register by tomorrow (October 11) at RockvillePregancyClinic.org!