This month, we’ve been celebrating the first birthday of my second book with giveaways. This week’s your last chance to win an autographed book!
Our Third and Final Theme: Book Reviews
Book reviews are akin to manna for authors and readers alike. They help readers determine whether a title is worth their time and attention. For authors, they drive visibility and sales.
According to AMZScout, “On average, positive reviews increase sales by 20%.”
I was recently delighted to discover that my first book has 127 Amazon ratings! Here’s the most recent review:
So powerful
This is one of the best books I have ever read, actually I have read it twice. I cried so hard, for me to cry is really saying something. It is truly a life giving book!
Thank you to all my readers who have taken the time out of your busy lives to write a review. Personally, it means so much to me. Plus, it helps other readers discover Snow Out of Season. This week’s giveaway aims to garner more reviews for my latest book, When Losses Become Legacies.
How to Win an Autographed Book
- Subscribe to this blog (if you’re not already) or follow me on Facebook or Instagram.
- Share this blog or my co-author’s Instagram post.
- Comment with the word “giveaway” below or on my co-author’s Instagram post.
Our contest closes this Sunday, May 28. If you win, you’ll read When Losses Become Legacies (if you haven’t already) then review it on Goodreads or Amazon. Want your name entered in the drawing twice? Write a review before Memorial Day.
Who’s This? Last Week’s Contest Winner
The winner of our “Who’s This?” contest is Patti Krueger Albright. As she correctly answered, the man pictured in last week’s blog is painter Albrecht Durer. Praying Hands, his famous pen-and-ink drawing, appears in a memoir in our book about grief.
Want to buy or borrow When Losses Become Legacies? Click here. Already read it and want to review it, so your name gets entered twice? Click here. You just might win an autographed book for yourself or a friend or family member.
And the winner of the third anniversary giveaway is . . . Angela from Tulsa, Oklahoma! 🙂